La Fondation canadienne des pompiers morts en service
En ce jour, nous nous souvenons de
    [ff_id] => 2014
    [first_name] => Stephen
    [nickname] => 
    [middle_name] => 
    [last_name] => Robson
    [category] => 
    [employment] => National Defence Civilian
    [rank] => Firefighter
    [birth_date] => 1946-07-13
    [joined_date] => 1967
    [death_date] => 2019-03-29
    [funeral_date] => 
    [cemetary] => 
    [age] => 72
    [department] => CFB Borden
    [station] => 
    [city] => Borden
    [province] => ON
    [incident_location] => 
    [incident_province] => ON
    [cause] => Work Related Illness - Pancreatic Cancer
    [circumstances] => 
    [url] => 
    [other] => 
    [wsib_rec_date] => 
    [date_entered] => 2024-05-01 16:32:08
    [source] => 
    [note] => 32373170(ON)
    [ceremony] => 2024
    [photo] => Robson.jpg
    [panel_number] => 10
    [story_EN] => 

Deputy Platoon Chief Stephen John Robson

Canadian Forces Base Fire Department 16 January 1967 to 24 May 1991

Steve as he was known by family and friends, was a very thoughtful person. Always there for everyone to lend a hand. You never had to ask twice. Loved to tell jokes and pull pranks on people, but when it came to work, he was very serious. He was one of nine children and second oldest in the family. His brothers and sisters looked up to him and often depended on his help and advice. 

Steve raised seven children over the years.

Steve's father, Ross Robson, was also a member of the Base Borden Firefighters for a number of years. Both men were on the Essa Township Volunteer Firefighters out of Thornton, ON for many years. Steve was a self-taught wood worker. Many family and friends cherished his work and still have items he made.

Steve's death March 29th, 2019, was work related. He died from Pancreatic Cancer. He was very brave during his illness and rarely complained. He is truly missed and thought of each day by his family and friends, rest in peace, Steve, love family and friends.

[story_FR] =>

Deputy Platoon Chief Stephen John Robson

Canadian Forces Base Fire Department 16 January 1967 to 24 May 1991

Steve as he was known by family and friends, was a very thoughtful person. Always there for everyone to lend a hand. You never had to ask twice. Loved to tell jokes and pull pranks on people, but when it came to work, he was very serious. He was one of nine children and second oldest in the family. His brothers and sisters looked up to him and often depended on his help and advice. 

Steve raised seven children over the years.

Steve's father, Ross Robson, was also a member of the Base Borden Firefighters for a number of years. Both men were on the Essa Township Volunteer Firefighters out of Thornton, ON for many years. Steve was a self-taught wood worker. Many family and friends cherished his work and still have items he made.

Steve's death March 29th, 2019, was work related. He died from Pancreatic Cancer. He was very brave during his illness and rarely complained. He is truly missed and thought of each day by his family and friends, rest in peace, Steve, love family and friends.

[is_live] => 1 [dod] => 2019-03-29 )
Firefighter Stephen Robson
Borden, ON
Voir les détails

Honorer les pompiers morts en service

La Fondation canadienne des pompiers morts est une société de bienfaisance enregistré , sans but lucratif , régie par un conseil d'administration composé de membres du Service des incendies du Canada et d'autres Canadiens intéressés dédiée à honorer les pompiers canadiens morts en service.

Formulaire de demande de reconnaissance

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Education Program

Scholarship & Bursaries

La Fondation accorde des bourses d'études et d'entretien aux enfants et aux conjoint(e)s des pompiers morts dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions, et reconnus comme tel par la Fondation.

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Courage : Le magazine

Le tome 19 est maintenant disponible - Consultez toutes les publications du magazine Courage en ligne au format électronique.

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Cérémonie commémorative des pompiers canadiens 2025

La cérémonie commémorative des pompiers canadiens 2025 aura lieu à Ottawa au Monument commémoratif des pompiers canadiens le 7 septembre à 10 h 30. L'hôte d'honneur de 2025 sera la Fondation canadienne des pompiers morts en service et amis.

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Online Store

Online Store

Items on the CFFF store have been carefully selected to help HONOUR and REMEMBER the firefighters who have been killed in the line of duty. The proceeds from the products sold through the store are used to SUPPORT their families. The CFFF is a registered charity and operates by fundraising.

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May 23rd, 2024


Edition 17 (2021) a été retardé mais est maintenant disponible en format électronique, anglais seulement pour le moment. Des copies imprimées suivront sous peu. La version électronique est disponible ici


Le 2023 Canadian Firefighter Memorial aura lieu le 10 septembre. Visitez notre site et notre page FB pour des informations durant l'été.