Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation
How to Submit a Fallen's Story

Help Us To Remember All Canada’s Fallen Firefighters

In order to truly reflect the sacrifices made by Canada’s Fallen Firefighters, we invite you to submit your stories about those that have died in the line of duty.  Please take a moment to tell us what their lives have meant to you. We would like to know not only about their sacrifice but also about the positive impacts they have made.  All stories submitted will be considered for publication not only on the CFFF website but also in our annual magazine “Courage” and may be edited to meet certain publication criteria such as length of article.

Please include any images that may augment your story in either JPG or GIF format. Stories may be submitted electronically to (please be sure to indicate “LODD  Story Submission” in the subject line. Be sure to include the fallen firefighter’s full name and department along with your own contact information.  All stories submitted become the property of the CFFF. All stories must be submitted in text format (Word or PDF format are acceptable - photos or scanned images of articles will not be accepted). If you are submitting an article from another publication, please be sure to include full credits for the originating article.

Thank you in advance for your submission.